Vicky is a mother of two beautiful children, has a loving husband, 1 dog and chickens here in Auburn. Vicky has always had passion for making art throughout the years like drawing, acrylic painting, pouring, crafts and now has found a new passion for fabric art doing needle felting and fabric inspired art.

It all started when Vicky wanted to do something special for her son’s class and wanted to make fairies made of wool which she have never done before and taught herself how to make fairies and after several hours later figured it out and so she continued to make another 20 fairies, one per child for Christmas and for her it was such a joyful way to share her art and seeing the kids smiles while receiving the gift filled her heart. Vicky also donated more wool paintings for the classroom walls to be brightening the children’s day.

Vicky then started learning and exploring more ways to create art with wool and needle felting with different materials and colors finding inspiration in nature, family, fun times and beautiful moments.