My artist journey began over 30 years ago with watercolors. Over the past several years my passion has turned to mixed media. I began with different paint mediums and have expanded to many types of textures. My art comes from an intuitive place beginning with an idea and letting the piece flow from there. I have a deep connection to abstract, colorful creations that are created from the heart in an effort to connect to the soul. Many of my pieces include many types of textured mediums including plaster, decomposed granite, fiber paste, etc.… and in some pieces upcycled and found metal objects combining them into a design that I can incorporate on a board or canvas. The process of exploring texture and paint mediums brings me joy and I hope for others who experience my art.

I grew up in San Diego and love the ocean and beaches. I have lived in Northern California for many years now, close to the Sierra which has given me a profound love of the mountains. My inspiration often comes from these two places of sand and surf along with rivers and lakes of the mountains. Getting outdoors is important to my creative side. I form ideas for my projects while on hikes or meditations which often lead to the textures and colors of my work. It is a joy to create every piece working in my studio.